Monday, August 23, 2010


If You Are a Valeter? Then Motor Trade Insurance Is a Must

Whether you are a valeter or you buy and sell cars, you should make sure that you are fully covered for any of the work that you do. This means that you need to have the correct type of motor trade insurance policy. Failing to take out the right cover could lead to you paying a hefty price at a later date.
Picture the scene, a customer drops off their Ferrari 360 with you to be valeted. The car is their pride and joy and they specifically say to you to be careful with it. Now no matter how meticulous you are with your planning and how carefully you go about your work, accidents can always happen. You may inadvertently spill some of your cleaning products onto the cars interior or drop something on the bonnet which leaves a scratch. If anything like this happens then it may not necessarily be due to your negligence but it still means that you are responsible. If you are not properly covered then you are going to end up having to fork out to fix any damage once the customer has assessed it.
If the same situation occurred and you did have a proper traders policy then there would be a massive weight lifted from your shoulders. Sure, the customer is still going to be extremely unhappy that any damage occurred in the first place but at least it can be resolved quickly without you being the one to foot the bill.
You need to make sure that you have a sufficient motor trade insurance policy whether you are going to be working with Ferrari's or Fiat's. Always check with a broker if you are unsure about the level of cover that you need.

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